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The City congratulates the Go!Durban Academy students who won two categories at the World Championship of the Performing Arts held in Los Angeles recently. 

The team won the Senior Grand Champions of the World for Group Vocal 2023 and the Senior Grand Champions of the World for Group Dance 2023 categories.

They bring home 51 gold medals and 18 silver medals. They competed against participants from 70 countries and made South Africa proud.

The young stars come from different schools including Mqhawe High School, JG Zuma High School, Northmead Secondary School, Crystal Point Secondary, and Mvaba High School. 

The GO!Durban Academy unearths and nurtures talent from the City’s most vulnerable communities, providing them with tools that foster confident, authentic, creative and environmentally aware future leaders.

The team will be arriving in Durban on 9 August. The City is extremely proud of their achievements.





EThekwini Mayor Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda has sent his heartfelt wishes to young stars from the GO!Durban Academy as they prepare to fly out of the country to represent the nation at the World Championships of the Performing Arts in Los Angeles.

The local stars will fly out of the country on 24 July to compete against 70 countries. 

“We wish you a safe journey and urge to you to continue to raise the nation’s flag high. You embody the spirit of South Africa, shining as ambassadors, not just for eThekwini, but the entire country,” said Mayor Kaunda. 

The Inanda performers’ journey to the international spotlight began with their victory at the South African Championships, and over the past two years, they have brought home an impressive 119 gold medals, 4 silver, and 1 bronze medal.

Their dedication and talent have brought glory to the community.

The young stars come from different schools including Mqhawe High School, JG Zuma High School, Northmead Secondary School, Crystal Point Secondary and Mvaba High School. 

The GO!Durban Academy unearths and nurtures young people from the City’s most vulnerable communities, providing them with tools that foster confident, authentic, creative and environmentally aware future leaders.

Mayor Kaunda urged everyone to rally together and shower these bright stars with unwavering support as they showcase the best of South Africa’s artistic brilliance.




Pay for accident reports with debit or credit card

The eThekwini Transport Authority (ETA) is pleased to announce that a speed point card machine is now available for payments of accident reports.

The public can now use any of the major debit or credit cards at the Road Safety Branch Public Desk located at 30 Archie Gumede Place, ETA Building, 2nd Floor, Room 216A. Deputy Head for Strategic Transport Planning Nelisiwe Zama said: “Our clients have requested a speed point payment option and we have listened. This credit or debit card payment option is safer, quicker, and more convenient.

Previously the public paid via EFT and had to wait for five to seven working days for the funds to clear and reflect on the City’s bank account before they can get a copy of their accident report. The second option was to pay cash.” An accident report costs R120 and can be obtained from the Road Safety Branch at the ETA Building. The branch also collects forms weekly from South African Police Service stations.

Should a member of the public require an accident report form that has not yet been collected from the station, that person is required to pay and then take their receipt to the appropriate police station

where they will be provided with a copy of the form.

 The following documents are required to obtain an accident report:

• People directly involved in the accident: ID or Drivers Licence

• Attorneys: Signed “Power of Attorney” by their client together with a formal request letter

• Insurance companies, accident investigation companies, and ambulance services: Consent letter signed by their client • SAPS and Metro Police: Produce the original docket and their appointment card to trace an accident report, the Road Safety Branch requires the accident report number, date of accident, vehicle registration details and the driver, passenger/s, and pedestrian ID numbers where applicable.




eThekwini Transport Authority puts safety measures in place on Kenville Road

Team preparing for installation of speed humps.

As part of the GO!Durban Corridor 1 Route, Work Package 4A, the eThekwini Transport Authority (ETA) has been carrying out  construction work as follows:  

  • Completion of Kenville Road Bridge
  • Construction of Inanda Road West Bound Carriageway including the Seacow Lake intersection.
  • Construction of Seacow Lake Road (south leg) and Inanda Road East bound carriageway.

A portion of Kenville Road  had to remain closed during the construction period and temporary detour signage and road markings were put in place.

The construction of Seacow Lake and Inanda Roads was planned to commence in November 2022, however, it was delayed as an effort to minimise inconvenience to the public as the work on Kenville Road was not yet complete.

To avoid further delays Kenville Road was opened to the public on 5 April 2023 and construction of Seacow Lake Road was scheduled to commence immediately. However, due to safety concerns caused by motorists speeding, the road had to be closed again to allow for the installation of speed calming measures (speed humps) to enhance safety of pedestrians on the Kenville Road.

The ETA is in the process of installing speed humps and anticipates Kenville Road to be opened by 24 April 2023.

Willowfield Crescent has been made available for the residents to use as a detour during the construction at Seacow Lake Road. Furthermore, the opening of Kenville Road, will allow for a second detour around the construction site from the southern side.

The ETA apologises for the inconvenience caused and requests the community to be patient and work with us in ensuring the successful completion of the project without compromising the safety of the public.





The public is advised of the temporary closure of the Sea Cow Lake and Inanda Road intersection. This is to allow essential construction work of the GO!Durban C1 route from 12 April 2023 until 31 October 2023.

Motorists, commuters and public transport operators can expect delays due to construction of a portion of the eastbound carriageway on Inanda Road. A temporary Bypass, Single lane Bi-directional (parallel to the eastbound carriageway) will be put in place with road markings and signage, during the construction period. There will be no access into Sea Cow Lake from Inanda Road. Willowfield Avenue (opposite the SPCA) will be used as a detour. Motorists are requested to move with caution and follow the detour signs. 

Pedestrian Access

  Pedestrians from Kenville Road will be diverte diverted   diverted through the Kenville Road staircase and are to   and are to follow  the driveway path that leads into Sea Cow   leads into Sea Cow Lake &  Inanda Road.   The current construction at the Kenville road     Road Bridge is reaching completion, pedestrians will be   pedestrians will be allowed to access the area leading onto Sea Cow   the area leading onto Sea Cow Lake Road




Road Closure Information: Open Streets – Florida Road (Sunday, 26 March)

Open Streets – Florida Road. Sunday, 26 March

Event time:9am until 5pm

Road Closures in effect: 4am until 7pm

A first for Durban! Open Streets Florida Road encourages the free movement of people experiencing the space in a new and exciting way – on Sunday 26 March from 9am until 5pm.

This means that part of Florida Road will be closed to cars for the day. The city has made careful plans to ensure the smooth and safe flow of traffic, adequate parking, and alternative access points for church congregants.

The length of Florida Road that will be closed to traffic from 4am (ahead of the 9am start) until 7pm is from just below Cottam Grove at the top of Florida Road (at Florida Fields) to the North point of Eighth Avenue intersection (at The Benjamin Hotel).

Metro police and Marshalls will be on hand to monitor, advise and help motorists.

There are access control points at the top and bottom of Florida Road – via the Woodley Crescent intersection (on the Musgrave Roadside) and again by Eighth Avenue, at the bottom of the road. There are also control access points on both sides of Gordon Road, Tenth Avenue and Ninth Avenue. Another closure is at Holden Avenue entrance, where Currie Road intersects Montpellier Road.
Metro Police will control traffic flow at the Florida Road and Sandile Thusi intersection using a soft closure.

Parking is not allowed for 20m before intersections on all roads leading off from Florida Road on both sides to allow for the turning around of vehicles.

During the day, as the need arises, there will be overflow parking bays available at the Science Centre open land behind Gordon Road Park on the Montpellier Roadside; Florida Fields complex parking and the Pick ‘n Pay Parking on Florida Road.

One lane from Lambert Road onto Florida Road will be open for St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Congregants until 9am to access the church. Exit after the service will be via Gordon Road church parking exit only. Marshalls will be available on Lambert Road to monitor church traffic entering from that side.

Metro Police will also control traffic at all side roads entering onto Florida Road, allowing access to residents at all times. Metro police will monitor traffic flow including restricting vehicle access in and around Florida Road when all available parking spaces are occupied.

The event’s main stage will be situated at the Gordon Road Park. The official drop-off or pick-up point for the event will be on Florida Road between Tenth and Ninth Avenue, allowing motorists to loop between the two streets via Montpelier Place.

The KFC drive-thru will also be accessible via this loop, however, no roadside parking on Florida Road will be permitted.




City to pilot active mobility concept on Florida Road

IN A first for Durban, Open Streets Florida Road encourages the free and safe movement of pedestrians experiencing the space in new  and exciting way.

In a bold approach to encourage active mobility, the City will launch its Open Streets pilot on popular street, Florida Road, Morningside on 26 March.

The one-day pilot programme will see a portion of the road closed off to vehicles, converting the street into an alfresco family friendly precinct.

The Open Streets concept is about pedestrianising some of the busy areas on occasion for Durbanites and visitors as well as creating spaces that are accessible and safe for a day long outdoor pop-up event.

The pilot will be used as an experiment where an assessment will be conducted on what works and how to improve the project for rollout in other areas around the City. From 9am to 5pm on 26 March, no vehicles will be permitted from Florida Fields through to the top of 8th Avenue. Motorists can make use of guarded street parking in the vicinity (side roads and dedicated parking area nearby) of Florida Road to park their vehicles.

Head of eThekwini Transport Authority Thami Manyathi said: “There will be a range of activities that will entice the senses, tantalise the tastebuds and bring people together from all walks of life. There will be market stalls, live music, arts and crafts and children’s activities to name a few.”

From this proof of concept, the City’s Transport Authority will explore ways to “pedestrianise” other roads in and around Durban jointly with stakeholders on occasion.

A strong motivator is encouraging social interaction, community building, local tourism, and family fellowship – and increased foot traffic to businesses in the area. The public is encouraged to support the pilot event.




All smiles as new GO!Durban Academy Park launched in Wentworth

The eThekwini Transport Authority (ETA) continues to promote active mobility as it recently opened its fifth GO!Durban Academy Park. The Academy is situated at Wentworth K1 park on the corner of Tuin and Austerville roads. It is the first Academy Park in the south region. 

The new site features a world-class Velosolutions asphalt pump track which provides an ideal training ground for youth with varying skills sets, from young cyclists who are learning to ride, to the more advanced riders who are training to compete in professional events. Additionally, the Park is equipped with a kitchen, classroom, ablution facilities, and bicycle empowerment centre. 

Youngsters will receive free cycling training, academic support (academic classes on weekends; homework assistance during the week), and life skills training. Currently the Wentworth site has two coaches and assists 60 children at a time. At this stage, there is no limit to the number of youth that can be enrolled as schedules are rotated to accommodate numbers. Those who wish to join may visit the Park, complete an enrollment form and register.

The new site also created job opportunities for local people, with four employed on a full-time basis and three part-time. Furthermore, during the construction period 12 locals were employed. “We are delighted with this great addition to our GO!Durban Academy family,” said ETA Head Thami Manyathi. “The Academy has achieved great success, growing from one site in Inanda, and has contributed greatly to our goal of advancing the uptake of active mobility in the City. Other sites are located in Inanda, KwaDabeka, KwaMashu, Chesterville.